Monthly Archives: February 2017

No such thing as a society

Ever notice when you or your family are walking in any city centres there seem to be an increase of homelessness and rough sleepers with begging bowls. Some people will walk pass them, others will put a couple of quid into the begging cup but the vast majority would just walk pass them and roll their eyes. There is a saying “those who knows it feels it”


In recent years we have the failure of the so called the “Big Society” in action, only for the government to try reinvent the big society under the guise of the so called “Share Society”. Let’s examine this for a moment and ask yourselves why are there so much foodbanks, soup kitchens, and junk food projects on the raise, could this be there are many people have become dependent on those services on the grounds of that the government and establishment are not doing enough to address why low incomes are turning to those projects which are low funding with no help from central and local governments or European Funding. Some parts of society are very quick to pass judgment on those people by saying “they brought it on themselves”

Do those high opinionated people really know the root causes of those people who are homeless and rough sleepers to make those assumptions?

Some of the foodbanks, junk food projects, and soup kitchens depend on people’s, churches, and supermarkets donations to help people just to survive or make ends meet by providing those services. To me those are the people who run those projects are the unsung heroes unfortunately the government pays lip services to them instead of helping them to promote those well-deserved projects. Take for instance well established companies puts a bid into the local government funding to help homeless and rough sleepers they make bold claims that they WILL provide a joined up services yet it seems a long wait and being bogged down with red tapes and yet after all of this they received the funding whilst the small projects get nil so much for the so called shared society.

The irony of this is when politicians are standing as candidates whether it’s local or general elections they all turn up to those projects to play lip services which is a insult to the organisers and on the odd occasions at full councils and in parliament opposition parties mention of those projects yet the current government airbrush it over with spin by claiming that they are doing more for homelessness and rough sleepers yet both previous and current governments still have not really addressed the real issues of homelessness and rough sleepers. If there is any white paper floating around there is very little that really mentions homelessness, rough sleepers, food banks, soup kitchens, and junk food projects however more can be done to address this by those project managers to lobby their MPs and local Councillors with their service users. jrtmym6

“Don’t you just like it when some people say “they don’t do politics” They rather go to the pub and spend a few quid on a pint of real ale with their friends. Well every thing involves politics even the very water you drink involves politics this is the hush reality and fact of life and there is no getting away from it.

Some people would say they are do gooders and part of a movement there may be some truths in this this but let’s be very clear they are few of those people around compared to the majority of our society. I could not give a flying monkey whatever their religious beliefs as they help to fill a gap in any community that has a need which the government has consistently fail to address. I feel there is a need for a movement of change to help educate those who close their eyes and walk pass homelessness. Furthermore, there should be a strong ethical policy in place to address this issue of homelessness and rough sleepers with mental health. I really find it ironic that Central Government has cut funding to local government that provide services to address homelessness and people with mental health they are left to fend for themselves in a heartless society which plays in to Maggie Thatcher ideology “No such thing as a society”


Second Brexit Challenge to High Court rejected

Who would have thought of Gina Miller would have the courage to take her case to the High Court on the grounds of holding our parliament to account and allowed a vote on Brexit debate?

Who would have thought that the old fart(Donald Trump) against all the odds was elected as the 45th President of the United States of America with the press against him?. 

Congratulations to John Brecow Speaker of the House for his strong opposition to the old fart addressing both houses. See quote below:

“I would not wish to issue an invitation to US President Donald Trump addressing the Houses of Parliament during his state visit to UK.

“Opposition to racism and sexism” were hugely important considerations”

See YouTube:

This is one of the rare occasions I speak in favour or against Jeremy Corbyn but must say I do concur with his statement about the old fart(Donald Trump) travel ban and challenged the Prime Minister at Prime Minister Questions(PMQs) when she went to the United States under the guise of trade deals. I fully support the lifting of ban travel petition on the grounds of the old fart signed the executive order which is against the American constitution to discriminate against a religion.

Furthermore, I congratulate Ed Miliband for securing an emergency debate on the old fart #MuslimBan and Members of Parliament who spoke out against the #MuslimBan. Mark my words if the #MuslimBan goes ahead the next target will be #ChineseBan one kids you not. For the record let me be very clear I have spoken out against the human rights record in China, Russia and other countries which abuse their human rights record is placed on public domain.Britain's opposition Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband speaks at the London Business School in London

If I’m honest I will continue to advocate that Donald Trump does not speak for me. He seems to be living in fantasy land; he is the sort of person who likes to hear his own voice and still thinks he is on a reality TV show to pander to the far right parties and organisations. The founding members of the America constitution will be turn in their graves for the old fart to try overturning the constitution.

The old fart should not be allowed state visit to address both houses and have the red carpet rolled out at the behest of Ice Queen Theresa May just to secure trade deals with our American cousins(American Special Relations).

Frankly with the feeble response from the unelected Prime Minister has convinced me that Boris Johnson is lining himself to secure his leadership challenge of the conservatives party in the event that she falls on her own sword. The daggers are out ready to stab her in the back. Jess Phillips MP once said “she rather stab Jeremy Corbyn in the front and not behind his back”. On this occasion I would place on public record to delete Jeremy Corbyn and replace it with Theresa May. Then reading in between the lines I see Boris Johnson MP operating from behind the scenes to ensure that he gets his pound of flesh by making sure he can secure his leadership challenge when Theresa May falls.jkgkgl

Returning back to the subject in concern over Brexit whilst I fully admire Gina Miller team for taking her case to the High Court to hold parliament to account I must raise my strongest objection in the most strongest possible way for unelected Ice Queen Theresa May(Leader and Prime Minister) Conservative Government to appeal against the verdict of the High Court to the Supreme Court it defiantly a wasting tax payers money which could be sorted out by not appealing to the Supreme Court to get their way instead they landed egg their face.

I’m glad that Emily Thornberry has clarified Labour position will not “frustrate” Brexit. Let me be very blunt Labour MPs should hold the Government to account. Let me further remind all our Labour MPs bluntly they are the official opposition party and they have a duty to their constituents to hold the government account and not let the government to ride shotgun by using their majority. I don’t say this lightly regardless of whichever camp they supported and voted in the referendum. I continue to raise my objections in the most possible way how the government are treating its citizens and caring more for their fatcat donors they rather stick two fingers at us plebs.mholylu

I fully support all opposition parties to put their amendments to the EU notification withdrawal bill to get a better deal but alas all the amendments were voted against with the conservatives majority.

Whilst I acknowledge that passions are very high and like to strike while the iron is hot for a fresh Brexit challenge at the high court for UK to stay in the EU single market arguing that Parliament must approve the UK’s exit from the European Economic Area in the High Court was rejected, they and including myself should continue to channel our energies to lobby their retrospective Members of Parliament to bring about changes before approaching the High Court.