Tag Archives: British National Party

Stop pandering to UKIP

Checkout this  Youtube and make up your own mind up:

I’m astonish by David Blanket MP recent article in regards to race riots over Roma people settling in the UK will set a precedence for either a UKIP or BNP candidate(s) to take seat on the council which I hope it does NOT happen and would rather have a Labour Councillors running council instead

As David Blanket MP knows all too well that immigration has Roma Peoplehelped the UK economy they do contribute by engaging with providing employment into the communities no matter what their backgrounds so many were surprised by the article and would have expected it from UKIP, BNP or Daily Express.

It’s NOT normal practice for me to support Nick Clegg stance when he was quoted that Roma immigrants have to be sensitive to the British way of living. It was right to complain about unacceptable behavior. But the best way to deal with it was through dialog.

I do really hope that both Sheffield MPs can help to keep the peace with all their community leaders and bring about a peaceful solution to all concern. The worse that can happen if both does not keep the eye on the ball will see an increase of BNP and UKIP taking  seats and having an overall majorities on Council which would not be good to both MPs I kid you not.

UK risk being seen as a nasty country thanks to David Cameron’s overreaction against immigration and it’s no surprise the European Union Employment Commissioner has spoken out against the UK government.

Laszlo Andor hit out at the Prime Minister for his hardline attempts to bar new EU arrivals from receiving welfare benefits for three months following scaremongering that UK will be swamped by Romanians and Bulgarians when restrictions are lifted on January 2014.

Intriguingly Andor accused David  Cameron of not representing the full truth about the issue and suggested the reaction on UK was based on hysteria.

I don’t normally read the Financial Times somehow someone brought to my attention there was a column alleging a heated commons debate with Labour ridiculing the proposals to be honest for my sins I have to concur that both the previous and present government are to blame as they knew this was going to cause a string of anti immigration and it’s not good enough for Labour to keep on apologizing and I don’t say this lightly as a son of a immigrant.

Shadow Home secretary Yvette Copper told MPs It is now the end of November and accession for Romania and Bulgaria will in a month’s time. “So can you tell the House which of those measures will be in place by the beginning of January 2014 when the transitional controls for Romania and Bulgaria.

After all this debate in the House surprise,surprise Downing St admitted that David Cameron new plans to try and curb EU migrants are flawed. No10 revealed that the bulk of these ideas would not be in place by 1 January 2014 when restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians wanting to move to the UK are lifted.

It’s hardly surprising that David Cameron is facing a Conservative rebellion over immigration this Christmas so he landed himself in a pickle and decided cobbled this together whilst keeping his eye on UKIP fearing more of his fatcat donors will cross over to UKIP. So in a nutshell DONT PANDER TO RIGHT WING RACISM and FASCISM.

Coalition on full scale attack on foreigners seeking benefits

Newsletter 07.08Quote Of the Day:

No Retreat No Surrender

Thoughts on Benefits For Foreigner Review

Why is it that every successful governments in the UK continues to ride on a high by using two words “Soft Touch” this is because it stirs up everybody  and such it plays to the hands of both racists and fascists to which I make no apologies for saying this.

Until governments all over the world address the crisis it will be on going with no solutions at the end of the tunnel. In regards to benefits For Foreigners not all them who comes to the UK claim benefits, some create employment while others who claim benefits are from either refugee status or facing persecution from dictators or military from their country of origin. Then there economic migration which if I’m reading right then any governments that come to power will have an escalation of problems as they will look back to the root causes of it as endemic worldwide which dates back to the time of explorers, governments, kings and queens claiming lands in the name of country. Like it or lump it those are the facts.

Granted some will argue it’s a chip on their shoulders Great Britain is just as guilty for raiding and looting other people lands then leave the natives to fend for themselves under British rules whilst they were there drained their natural resources.

There maybe a the few who continue to moan about not able to get a council housing because all those foreigners are getting various benefits and they are the ones that are not getting it. I don’t have a problem with foreigners who want to access our benefit system provided that they meet the criteria and don’t abuse.
indexThen there is the workfare issue that needs to address as coalition lost their case in court by saying it is ridiculous to call being made to work unpaid or force labour and has the cheek to oppose the suggestion that people who lost their benefits should have it reinstated.
carers-allowance-297Why has the coalition gone done this road to punish our Carers for looking after our disabled. Most Carers does a wonderful job not just for personal care for people with disabilities they are the bed rock of our society. Most would say they deserve the recognition for the work they do and that they are the unsung heroes.#

As I said in previous communications that we should not continue to pander to the Far Right Agendas of the British National Party(BNP) and English Defence League (EDL) let us all continue to celebrate our diversity and multiculturalism that we all enjoy in our society today.

See article below:

The government is reviewing access to housing, healthcare and the benefits system for foreign nationals to ensure that the UK is not a “soft touch”, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

At his weekly Commons question session, he said he had chaired a committee looking into current policy: “It isn’t right if our systems are being abused.”

The rights of British citizens should not be enjoyed by “anyone who just chooses to come here”, he told MPs.

Tory Mark Spencer had raised the issue.

“The welfare state and the NHS are there to support our constituents when they fall on difficult times,” Mr Spencer said.

“Will the prime minister assure the House that he will not allow them to be abused by illegal immigrants and nationals who are coming here as benefit tourists?”

‘Undue pressures’

Mr Cameron said this was “a very important point” and said he had chaired a committee meeting on Tuesday to look into the subject.

“Britain has always been an open and welcome economy, but it isn’t right if our systems are being abused,” he told MPs.

The review of “every single one of our systems: housing, health, benefits”, was being led by immigration minister Mark Harper, he said, and would “make sure that we are not a soft touch for those who want to come here”.

“It is absolutely vital that we get this right,” he told MPs.

“There are many parts of our current arrangements that simply don’t pass a simple common-sense test, in terms of access to housing, access to the health service, access to justice and other things which should be the right of all British citizens, but they’re not the right of anyone who just chooses to come here.”

The prime minister’s spokesman later warned that the committee’s work was “likely to take some time” and any proposals would have to “operate within the constraints of the law”.

But the government was keen to “ensure there were not undue pressures on the smooth running of the labour market in the UK”, he said.

Mr Cameron’s decision to chair the meeting yesterday, in place of his immigration minister, “pointed to the importance he attaches to this area of work”, the spokesman added.

The prime minister has previously said the government would be reviewing current policy when asked about the lifting on restrictions from January 2014 on Bulgarians and Romanians working the UK.